An important instrument for sustainability in tree planting is the recording of trees in a tree cadastre. In Germany, this primarily serves to ensure the obligation to maintain traffic safety. In Tanzania, the focus for the introduction of a tree cadastre is more on the monitoring and reporting of the newly planted trees. Up to now, the government has planted a lot of small seedlings every year, but hardly any attention is paid to them afterwards. They say, for example, that 1,000,000 young trees were planted last year, but if you ask how many of them survived, nobody can answer that.
Among other things, the idea of the project is to plant larger young trees and then register them in a tree cadastre. We are still at the very beginning with this. Our first tree planting in Moshi District is about to start. We are only waiting for the rains to start. To ensure that all the newly planted trees can be professionally recorded, there was a training day in February for the work with the tree cadastre. The day was definitely a lot of fun for everyone. Now it's just a matter of applying and deepening what we have learned.