- Growing strong young trees with a pronounced fine root system
- Greening of public areas in the Moshi District
- Registration of trees in the tree cadaster/registry
In June 2019, the first 4000 seedlings were purchased from local nurseries and planted on an area of 800 square meters under a shading net in the Himo Tree Nursery.
Our focus is on indigenous tree species, which are best adapted to/suitable for the different soil requirements in the Moshi District (Lowlands, Midlands, Highland).
So far we have planted:
- Kigelia africana
- Spathodea campanulata
- Cordia africana
- Ficus sycomorus
- Khaya nyasica
- Newtonia buchanii
- Rauvolfia caffra
- Trichilia emetica
- Acacia species
- Jacaranda mimosifolia
- Mangifera indica
- Citrus species
Due to good climatic conditions with sufficient rain, some tree species have already reached a height of almost 2 meters after only 6 months.